#wpldn is back to our regular slot on the last Thursday of every month. This month; not only have we got two great speakers but, as requested by many, we will include some extra time for networking.

Annabel started her career in PR (non profit) before moving on to publishing and consumer law (Which? magazine) followed by advertising and HR. She founded Irenicon in 1980 (an employment law and HR consultancy) and has spent the intervening years helping some of the largest organisations in the UK (and some of the smallest) sort out the people and employment law issues that come with change. She founded KoffeeKlatch in 2009 specifically to support organisations outsourcing to freelancers. Her practical expertise in outsourcing to VAs, web designers, bookkeepers, trainers and more, is a key part of her speakers story.

Chris is a Web Application Engineer at We Are Base in Bournemouth and regular contributor to PHPDorset. Starting out as a designer, he has gradually moved more and more towards back-end development and dev ops in his career. Chris is an advocate for the PHP and WordPress communities, and has given talks at PHPDorset, BrightonPHP, PHPSurrey, Barcamp Bournemouth, and Barcamp Southampton. He is looking forward to touring more PHP and WordPress user groups this coming year.