Collaborating with teams through WordPress and asking ‘do we even need the admin interface?’ will be our focus this month.

Anna is the co-founder and CEO of Poetica. Previously, she co-founded Bethnal Green Ventures, who invest in and support early stage ventures that are using technology to solve social problems.

Abby is a full-stack engineer at Poetica. Previously, she worked at games company and makers of Runescape, Jagex. She’s also a pro-knitter and creator of the knitting pattern making tool, Chart Minder.

Tim is a WordPress security consultant with a background in development and system administration. He has worked with WordPress for nearly two decades and founded one of the very first commercial WordPress plugins. Today, he provides security reviews, consulting, and training. An active member of the UK WordPress community, Tim is also an international speaker who enjoys both scaring and enlightening people at conferences, referring to himself as a professional doomspeaker. You can find out more about him at