Nicole Osborne

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Talk to Nicole Osborne, your LinkedIn Meister, who’s all about helping digital agency owners to knock through their inner Berlin Walls to build a WUNDERBAR LinkedIn presence that gets the right clients raising their hands.

With her signature blend of German efficiency, fun approach, and infectious enthusiasm, Nicole’s the ace up your sleeve, ready to make LinkedIn less of a chore and more of a kunden-magnet (client magnet) for who you want to attract.

Drawing on her 20+ years in marketing, Nicole is a popular speaker too, captivating audiences from BrightonSEO to Chris Do’s ‘The Futur’ podcast.

Nicole has been working with digital agencies worldwide since 2016, helping them attract their best clients through done-for-you LinkedIn content, 1:1 LinkedIn, and agency growth coaching.

Last summer, Nicole launched her LinkedIn Aktivator Playbook, a game-changing done-with-you LinkedIn strategy service.

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