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How to increase recurring revenue in your agency

How to increase recurring revenue in your agency a #WPLDN talk delivered by David Darke

David will explore practical strategies to help agencies increase recurring revenue and build a more sustainable business model. We’ll cover key areas such as choosing the right tools, shifting from project-based work to retainer or subscription models, identifying and packaging scalable services, and improving client retention through value-driven relationships.

Attract Your Top Clients Without the Spam on LinkedIn

Attract Your Top Clients Without the Spam on LinkedIn

Have you given up on LinkedIn because it’s spammy? But what about those moments when your prospects check you out? Does your profile deliver high-quality leads for your agency? Join Nicole for this action and insights-packed LinkedIn session. Discover:

Stop being a part-time CEO

Stop being a part time CEO

Entrepreneurs and business owners always get stuck doing low-value tasks instead of focusing on growth at some point. This talk will provide actionable steps to assess daily activities and outsource/automate tasks below CEO level, such as design, billing, and data entry. Categorising tasks by value and delegating allows for eliminating the grind of busy work that causes frustration. This frees up time for strategy, innovation, and marketing. The result is shifting from part-time helper to … Continue reading

Remote Working – Ask me anything

Jenny Wong presenting her talk Remote Working - Ask me anything

COVID has made many of us remote workers. Some of us have already been remote working, and for others, it is a new experience. Jenny has been remote working for 6 years and will be coming online to share her set up, habits, and answer any questions people have about making remote working more comfortable for yourselves.

Marketing your WordPress product or service

Matt Medeiros presenting his talk Marketing your WordPress product or service

The #1 challenge for most business owners is marketing. There’s no time, there’s no plan, and there’s no feedback. In today’s talk, we’ll simplify your marketing plan and get you started on the right path to reaching your audience.

Introduction To BigCommerce for WordPress

Male on screen presenting a talk

BigCommerce has a long history of eCommerce excellence. By building an API-based WordPress plugin, it is changing the way eCommerce is done in the WordPress ecosystem. This presentation will showcase some of the unique features of API-driven eCommerce as well as provide a demonstration of it in action.

How I improved my sleep patterns with WordPress

The landscape of computing always changes, at the beginning webservers were found in the basements of companies, then in data centres, along came virtualisation and now cloud or serverless. A factual history but a boring discussion. As a pioneer of high availability websites for Sport including the Olympics, from a server in a house in Orlando in 2002, Sotic has lived through this time and has the war stories to tell. But what do these … Continue reading

Small achievable actions lead to big change

How can you grow your business and achieve your dreams? You may have a range of failed projects or ideas that you never perused. In this talk, Lee shares how he’s been able to grow his business and personal brand in the WordPress space by going against the “hustle” and “hack” mentality. He has created a system for success that his 13-year-old daughter can follow and his 53-year-old best friend. The moral of the tortoise … Continue reading

Butterfly Niche to Sell More

In this talk, Mike is going to outline the 3 step process for defining a niche, raising your prices and identifying new profitable opportunities with both new and current customers. 2020 will be the most competitive year ever for WordPress, agencies and digital creatives. With more competition entering the market than ever and lowering of barriers to entry if you want to run a profitable business you need to shift from telling people what you … Continue reading

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