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WordPress at the United Nations

“WordPress at the United Nations” is about my experience doing WordPress consulting at the United Nations Head Quarters in Manhattan, New York. The UN is a rather interesting organisation in how it uses platforms like WordPress and Drupal so I’d love to share my experiences with the WordPress community.

#A11Y and How to Sell it to a Client

We have all heard the term #A11Y and know we should be doing something about it, but how and why?  In this talk Mik will explain the reason why it is so vital for all working it the field of WordPress to ensure their output is accessible.  But more importantly he will explain how to sell this to potential clients, and why it is so vital for them to invest in #A11Y.

Privacy by Design: 7 things you can’t afford to ignore

Even in a post Brexit UK, the new law on data protection is going to change things for your website and digital platform, whether you are technical, UX or a business owner.  In this presentation Danny will explain the practical steps you must take so that you don’t fall foul of the new regime.  Danny will also explain the likely impact of this European legislation on a post Brexit UK and on any website/app that … Continue reading

Word after word: my writing workflow

From blog posts to internal reports, reviews, documentations, business proposals or social statuses, there is a wide range of cases to write for. Whether you’re an accomplished writer or not, you need to have an established writing workflow in order to create better content with less resources. In this talk Franz will explain how he starts from a simple idea and develops a good text that is ready to be read by someone else. Tools … Continue reading

You Can Do It – The Tools for Entrepreneurial Success

Anything is possible, if you put your mind to it. Determination, tenacity and personality are the tools for entrepreneurial success.  Andy will take you on a journey culminating from start up to a hundred million pound turnover private commercial property development and investment vehicle.

Ethical Outsourcing for Web Developers / Designers

We all live in a ‘gig’ economy.  But how should you work with freelancers to make sure you are all trading ethically? Is it OK to find the cheapest person anywhere in the world and send them your stuff?  Are there ethical issues around fair wages?  Are there ethical and legal concerns about client data?  How to you deal fairly with copyright and software rights when working with an outsourced team?  How do you find … Continue reading

How to grow from a one-man-band into an agency

Taking the leap and loving it. Building a team, how, who and what to look out for Attracting and retaining great clients Selling professionally and effectively Avoiding bad clients Managing Projects effectively Developing a culture Celebrate the wins Learn from the mistakes

10 Step Guide To Doing Your Own Thing (With WordPress)

I’ll share the 10 most important things I’ve learned since I started to use WordPress and the experiences faced in starting a WordPress-focused web development agency. I’ll share stuff on how focusing on a single path and managing your ideas, risks, fears and failures will make you better at what you do. I’ll also include my own personal mantra about why I chose to go 100% WordPress, quite simply: “You’re either a genius or an … Continue reading

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