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A lightning talk discussing Artisteer.

Theme LOL

Theme LOL – a hilarious (ahem) look at the state of the premium theme marketplace.

Cleaner Themes

Persil may say “Dirt is Good”, but when it comes to WordPress themes you want to make sure they’re as clean as possible, especially when you’re building a global network of websites for one of the world’s leading washing detergent brands. This case study will take a close look inside the theme and front end …

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Handling User Generated Content in WordPress

Getting lots of content into a site can increase the scope of the site, user engagement, and maybe ad revenue too. So why not get your visitors to add content for you? This brief talk shows how you can do that without giving everyone a login to the admin area.

WordPress Security

The recent HeartBleed vulnerability has brought web security into the mainstream news recently. This talk will cover some aspects of web security from a WordPress perspective and talk about some things you can do to make your sites more secure.

Towards an Alternate Theme Structure?

In theory, child themes save you a lot of work. But not if you have to change lots of files for the child theme. Here’s an idea for an alternate theme structure that may overcome that.

Moving Fluid

The responsive custom design. Ngaire Ackerley discusses fluid design within WordPress themes.

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