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June 29, 2017

Anthony Budd

I have made an ORM for WordPress, before you roll your eyes at that statement I have built it specifically for WP based MVPs. Having built lots of MVPs on WordPress for cash strapped startups this simple class has made WordPress it easier than ever to make complex apps in days using WP. In part 2 of this talk Anthony will be taking a deeper dive into the technical aspects at wp_hooked.

Video coming soon

June 29, 2017

Doug Belchamber

Are custom page templates and shortcodes offering our clients and users the best content publishing experience? In this talk, I’ll explore how and why page builders might now be a staple in a WordPress developer’s toolkit.

Video coming soon

May 25, 2017

JJ Jay

Communities — from close knit bands of commenters to busy international forums — are fun and engaging but the issues members have with the site and with each other require ongoing attention. In this talk, JJ will discuss the unexpected benefits of hands on tech support, advocate for prioritising interactions with members during the design and development phases and explain her approach to sticky interpersonal situations, including the dark side of empathy and how far to go for the greater good.

Video coming soon

May 25, 2017

Annabelle Woodger

In this bite-sized talk, we’ll be going over GlotPress, the plugin used to translate WordPress, exploring what it is and how it can be used for collaborative translation.  There will also be a live demonstration of GlotPress, translating a few strings into en_GB (perhaps strings from a plugin/theme developed by an attendee!)

Video coming soon

April 27, 2017

Wasim Juned

“WordPress at the United Nations” is about my experience doing WordPress consulting at the United Nations Head Quarters in Manhattan, New York.

The UN is a rather interesting organisation in how it uses platforms like WordPress and Drupal so I’d love to share my experiences with the WordPress community.

Video coming soon

April 27, 2017

Gary Jones

Following on from last month’s talks regarding why accessible websites are a must, it’s worth knowing how to do a technical accessibility audit. Given the time constraints, this session will be a high level audit and what better example to use than the WPLDN website!

Video coming soon

March 30, 2017

Edmund Turbin

WP-CLI is a useful tool for automating tasks and optimising developer workflow in WordPress. WP-CLI is commonly used for maintenance and can be put to good use in the initial site build process. Learn how WP-CLI can help improve your themeing process and make it faster to perform common site building tasks.

Video coming soon

March 30, 2017

Mik Scarlet

We have all heard the term #A11Y and know we should be doing something about it, but how and why?  In this talk Mik will explain the reason why it is so vital for all working it the field of WordPress to ensure their output is accessible.  But more importantly he will explain how to sell this to potential clients, and why it is so vital for them to invest in #A11Y.

Video coming soon

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