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January 25, 2016
Mark Sta Ana

Good Migrations – Moving a WordPress Site to Docker

Following on from his recent lightning talk. Mark will be taking a deeper dive into Docker for WordPress admins.

January 25, 2016
JJ Jay

Making a simple quiz plugin using React and the WP REST API

If you’ve ever wanted to build something, anything, with the WordPress REST API but were not sure where to start or what to build, try making a plugin for a simple single page app like a quiz.

In this talk, I’ll go over the tools used and resources needed for me to learn enough to make a simple quiz plugin using the WP REST API and React having never used either before. I’ll spend some on the pain points (spoiler: not WP REST API related), what just worked, what needs to be improved and what I still need to learn. This is not a how-to talk, it’s more of a you-could-do-this-too-so-go-for-it talk meant to inspire you to try it for yourself.

January 28, 2016
Mike Pead

Tidy Up Your WordPress Site for the New Year

With the start of the new year, now is the time to ensure that your content is up-to-date.

January 28, 2016
Mark Wilkinson

Preparing Your Plugin for a .org Release

How do you get a plugin onto the repository? What steps do you need to take? Are there any specific requirements?

These are just some of the questions this talk, aimed at anyone who wants to push a plugin to the repository will answer. We will go through the steps you need to take in order to prepare your plugin, some best practices in the plugin code and how to submit it to .org.

January 28, 2016
Kimb Jones

10 Step Guide To Doing Your Own Thing (With WordPress)

I’ll share the 10 most important things I’ve learned since I started to use WordPress and the experiences faced in starting a WordPress-focused web development agency.

I’ll share stuff on how focusing on a single path and managing your ideas, risks, fears and failures will make you better at what you do. I’ll also include my own personal mantra about why I chose to go 100% WordPress, quite simply: “You’re either a genius or an idiot if you build your own CMS, choose wisely”.

My hope is that everyone can take something away from this talk. In the spirit of open-source and WordPress I feel that we should always be open and share our career paths if only to inspire the next generation not to make the same mistakes!

January 28, 2016
Dave Green

Building Themes With The WordPress Customiser API

If you’re not already using the customizer to add custom ‘options’ into your themes, then this talk will help you get started! Dave will cover the fundamentals of getting your theme ready for customizer action before showing you how to add settings, controls, sections and panels. Then the talk will touch on more advanced topics such as enabling live updates to preview your changes, exercising control over your website’s colours and finally how to add your own custom controls.

December 17, 2015
Gary Jones, Graham Armfield, and Mike Pead

Happiness Bar – Dec. 2015

Looking for advise regarding WordPress?  Want to chat with the community about a concept you have?  Have an idea about a plugin but don’t know where to start?  Bring your questions (and advise) so we can share and learn from each other.

Video coming soon
October 29, 2015
Rachel McGuinness

Fired Up For Business

Your energy and productivity are crucial for business success. Health is fundamental to your energy and productivity.

• Feel like you’re living in the fast lane?
• Energy levels on the floor?
• You’re surviving rather than thriving?

Rachel demystifies the mire of confusion about health, and shares her own “4 Pillars of Vitality” that are essential for living a healthy lifestyle.

October 29, 2015
Keith Devon

WordPress for SEO Haters

SEO is a dirty word, tarnished by years of bad practice and self-defined ‘gurus’. But should it be ignored by developers?

Keith argues the case for taking SEO seriously when building WordPress websites. He also gives his top ‘hater-friendly’ tips for SEO on WordPress. It’s easier (and harder) than people might think.

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