15 years in the Hosting industry. Rackspace from 100x growth in 10 years. Why I believe in WordPress. Gartner’s view of WordPress. My vision for WP Engine in Europe
A lightning talk answering the question: “Should You Be Using Vagrant?”
A lightning talk discussing WordPress cacheing using the .htaccess file.
Ngaire covers 8 design tips for WordPress websites in this lightning talk at the WordPress London Meetup.
Theme LOL – a hilarious (ahem) look at the state of the premium theme marketplace.
Persil may say “Dirt is Good”, but when it comes to WordPress themes you want to make sure they’re as clean as possible, especially when you’re building a global network of websites for one of the world’s leading washing detergent brands. This case study will take a close look inside the theme and front end code powering the Persil.co.uk website and it’s international counterparts.
Using WordPress Multisite, some select plugins, parent and child theming, as well as custom plugins, Sass, and Compass we were able to tackle problems such as: internationalisation, complex page content, and lots of Ajax interactivity. All the while making sure the sites would be easily updatable and extensible by the local content teams, good for SEO, and easily customised for each market.