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January 31, 2019

Diane Wallace

With the likes of WordCamp London 2019 and many other open-source events currently looking for speakers, developing your public speaking skills offers an opportunity to promote your business and share your experiences with the global WordPress community.

This will be an interactive workshop looking at the initial application process, enabling you to succeed from the start. Getting your speaker application right is the first step to getting in front of an audience.

November 29, 2018

Mark Wilkinson

How do we move towards a block-based admin UI in a pre-Gutenberg WordPress?

With the rise of page builders and ‘block-based’ layouts, and the imminent arrival of Gutenberg – WordPress’ new block-based editor – we needed a solution for transitioning towards this new way of editing content while sticking with the mature and stable technology stack that we know and love.

We, therefore, set out to find another solution and this led to the development of the HD ACF Blocks plugin that we use on most sites today.

This talk introduces the plugin, how we built it, how it works, and how it provides value to our clients and our business.

November 29, 2018

Alex Denning

Having the right marketing channels for your WordPress business is the difference between having a thriving WordPress business, and a struggling one.

You can make a great product or service, but if you’re not able to effectively get it in front of people who need and will pay for it, that’s no use. The difference can be choosing the right marketing channels.

This talk will explore what marketing channels are, the “channel philosophy”, and how to pick the right channels. I’ll aim to give you a clear framework on how to think about marketing your WordPress business 🙂

October 25, 2018

Tom Greenwood

The internet has huge potential to move us towards a sustainable future through dematerialising products and streamlining industries. Despite its many benefits though, it is not perfect. The storage, processing and transmission of data consumes electricity and that has an impact on the environment. The web may appear clean, but it has a real impact on climate change and its impact is growing as our hunger for data accelerates.

The good news is that there are simple things that we can do about it, and contrary to what some may think, a green website can actually be a better website for everyone. Approaching web projects through the lens of sustainability can have benefits not just for the environment, but also in terms of improved SEO, accessibility, user experience and even cost savings.

We’ll look at some practical steps to green the web and the benefits that they bring.

September 27, 2018

JJ Jay

Many projects I do require knowledge that I don’t have. Yet. With a standard technical approach and the willingness to plough through the discomfort of being in over my head, these projects are not only fun but also great learning experiences and have been (thus far) successful. This talk is a pep talk, a “you can do it” talk and, I hope, the boost someone needs to to start something they were too scared to try.

Video coming soon

September 27, 2018

Keith Devon

It’s been 10 years since Keith pressed the big red ‘Start this meetup’ button and WordPress London was born.

That was the start of an amazing journey, both professionally and personally.

Keith will talk about what it was like to build WPLDN into a 1500+ strong meetup, the trials and tribulations along the way, what made him fall out of love with the WordPress community, how he fell back in love again, and the transitions from a freelancer to a small-agency owner.

It’s been a roller-coaster. Come along for the ride!

Video coming soon

August 30, 2018

David Waumsley

This will be about my journey and reluctance to go into building client website with WordPress. About the problems I had when I did and how I have started to find a way that is working for me.

In a friendly way, I’ll be challenging (or thought flipping) many accepted wisdoms and processes used when dealing with web clients.

With the ever accelerating speed of change online (even within WP with Gutenberg) Is it time now to be “selling” long term support (and training) services with websites as an addon to these?

Video coming soon

August 30, 2018

Gary Jones

Aimed at those who have never really looked into coding standards, Gary will give a broad overview to what coding standards are, how they apply in WordPress, what tools there are to check and fix violations and how you can integrate this within your workflow.

Video coming soon

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