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October 29, 2015
Dan Westall

Websockets + WordPress = Magic

WordPress and Websockets what type of dark magic is this? The darkest, with the power of WordPress and Ratchet ( ), we can harness the magic of realtime and push WordPress in unforeseen directions.

September 17, 2015
Tim Nash

Is the wp-admin interface dead?

With the rise of WP-API and WP-CLI plugin developers can no longer assume that a user is interacting with WordPress from the admin interface. In this talk Tim looks at new approaches to developing plugins in our new potentially admin less world and asks the question, do we even need the admin interface?

Video coming soon
September 17, 2015
Abby Millward and Anna Maybank

How we created Google Docs-style editing for WordPress posts and pages

Poetica is a beta WordPress plugin that inserts Google Docs-style collaboration into your WordPress posts and pages.

Co-founder and CEO, Anna Maybank, and full-stack engineer, Abby Millward, are going to talk about how they’ve rethought collaboration, from both a technical and design perspective, and why they think improving the editor experience in WordPress is so important for keeping up with changing user expectations.

They’ll also demo the plugin and talk about some of the challenges of working with TinyMCE..

Video coming soon
August 27, 2015
Neil Pie

Adding Composer to your WordPress development toolbox

Neil be looking at how to use Composer as a tool to manage and maintain WordPress based sites & applications, from getting up and running with Composer, through managing full site stacks to adding composer support to your own plugins and themes.

Video coming soon
August 27, 2015
Quentin Crowe

Crossing the bridge from corporate comfort to start-up solitude

Corporate life does not prepare you for the day you set out on your own.  For many creating a new business or consultancy whether by choice or no choice is a frightening leap into the unknown.

Quentin talks about the highs and lows of being your own boss.  In particular, he tackles the unique start-up challenges of: isolation, minimal resource, team building, choosing business partners (or not), delegation, cash flow, multi-tasking, planning as well as off and online marketing.

Video coming soon
August 27, 2015
Steve Woody

Learn more than the average Web Developer

Steve is going to teach the 10 things that people MUST know BEFORE they Build a Website.  It’s focused around the strategy and covers the following 10 topics:

Steve will also explain how Web Design is Dead and how WordPress specifically has created a new industry and why its important to understand the foundation on either your own project or a clients.

Video coming soon
July 23, 2015
Ric Harvey

Using AWS to super charge your WordPress site and scale to 100,000s of users

The talk will be about how to scale WordPress in Amazon web services and which plugins help you achieve this. The main aim is to let the audience know how to interoperate with cloud based services to really enhance their WordPress experience and achieve performance boosts but offloading core tasks to SaaS/PaaS/IaaS services where possible.
Using AWS to super charge your WordPress site and scale to 100,000s of users.
Topics Covered:

  • Installing CoreOS in EC2
  • Using Github for code storage
  • Running you Container
  • Elastic Load
  • Balancers + SSL offload
  • RDS for databasesS3 (Also the new EFS Service as an alternative to S3)
  • CloudFront for assets and the main site
  • SES
  • Elastic Search and Google Search
Video coming soon
July 23, 2015
Kirsty Burgoine

Catering for WordPress

Building an online integrated information and support system for the catering / hospitality sector.

The catering industry has very few tools available to help them create/store recipes, plan menus and work out costings that can be shared with members of staff and other branches of a chain.

This talk would cover one solution to this, showing how WordPress has been used as an intranet for businesses in the restaurant/catering industry. Features include working as a tool to itemise ingredients, help plan and budget dishes and menus, work out costings for bulk recipes down to individual portions and include other factors such as VAT and a variable gross profit.

All of this has been set up using a combination of WordPress MU, custom plugins, custom post types, custom fields and a bespoke theme with all of the necessary maths functions built in. There will be some knowledge of PHP, theme development, plugin development and jQuery assumed for this talk.

Video coming soon
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